FireflySci Official Elf Spotters!

Hi everyone!

Well we've finally done it.  

Did we make the worlds first indestructable cuvette?  No....

Did we figure out how to 3D print cuvettes?  Not yet....

Did we figure out the fountain of youth?  That doesn't even have to do with cuvettes so no.

Give up?

We've earned our official Elf Spotters Degree!

Now we have to say that we are proud to be the only cuvette company in the world that has such an accrediation.

What this means for you, our awesome customers, is that you still get the same great level of service, now with Elf Spotting expertise that is unrivaled.  If there is a creepy Elf hanging out around you, we'll find him and deal with him, free of charge.  Consider this a courtesy for working with us!

Here's to your Elf-less success!

The FireflySci Team