P65 Series Cuvette Washers

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P65 Series Cuvette Washers

from $258.00

A fast and easy way to clean your cuvettes.

These cuvette washers are designed to quickly clean and dry your cuvettes with no handling involved. 

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Benefits of using the P65 Series Cuvette Washers:

  • Fast cuvette cleaning action
  • Easy to use - all you do is turn the cuvette upside down and run your cleaning solution
  • Capable of handling multiple cleaning solutions in succession
  • Leave cuvettes in place for quick drying action
  • Can clean cuvettes from 3 mm lightpath - 10 mm lightpath
  • Reduces handling and chances of breakages
  • Vacuum flask and pump not included

Having problems cleaning those spectrophotometer cuvettes? In this video we go over how to use the FireflySci Cuvette Washer. This cuvette washer is amazingly powerful and it takes only a few seconds to clean a cuvette.